Monday, May 5, 2008

Hydropower trip.

Last week we had a course in Hydropower. Since 1st of May is also free here, RES planned for us a trip to a hydro power plant, about 60 km east of Akureyri. Supplied with a lot of sandwiches for a lunch, we got our asses in the vans and left to the power plant. The weather wasn't bad, but you can still see snow everywhere here, I think it'll never disappear.
The power plant wasn't so big and it's not operating on full capacity, because of the problems with buying the land from local farmers. Some of the space inside became a sort of exhibition area, so there were many sculptures all over the place.
One of them here :)

Some part of the power plant was underground.

Sir, yes sir!


Green grass!

Generator outside.

Power plant from the outside.


On Saturday we had a party at our dean's house (imagine that in Poland to have a party with your dean :P) - as well as the previous one this one was also great.
Also, I have an idea - since we have a 6-8 people group of hardcore cookers, every week on Sunday we prepare a dinner to escape from Universities Cafeteria routine. I decided that I'm gonna put some recipes of the food we're eating. This Sunday we had a bit of taste of Spanish cuisine - tortilla batata, rolls with dates and bacon and orange - asparagus salad. Next Sunday it's gonna be some Greek stuff. Stay tuned!

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