Friday, October 3, 2008

Simply the RES!

On Friday, 3rd of October, the Sprellmót - department fight - took place on University of Akureyri. Because RES is not so small school (in Icelandic standards) and we actively participate in students live at the University, we had our own team. We started from helping Stafnbui, friendly Science department, to protect their beautiful sex-doll from nasty Nurse department. So we gathered in one of the buildings and put some of our "dirty" thoughts on the doll :)

Then we went to the city center, where the screaming contest took place.

After that, all a bit drunk already, we left for the sports hall near Akureyri, to continue with other contests:
Beer relay.

Shot relay.

As you can see some of us were really thirsty :P

Tug of war...

...and eating competition with Iron-Stomach Pedro as our representative.

After that we had a small break for visiting Vinbud (liquor shop) and restocking our supplies for the evening. We went to Sjallin, nice club, in which the last two contest took place: singing and beer-bong competitions.

With this great song we won the singing contest!
The jury counted the points and we scored second in the whole day (we were also first in shot relay). Not bad for the first time, huh? :)

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