Sunday, October 5, 2008

Rafting in Iceland.

On Sunday we finally went rafting. We were planning to do this for a long time and finally it happened! Just one word to describe it - AWESOME!

Guides were from Nepal - great guys. They actually do that all year long - during the summer they work in Iceland, and the rest of the year - in Nepal. They said, that they never did this at this time of the year here, they were going home the following morning :)

Zipping the dry suits required some help.

Some quick instructions.

Then we were rafting - great experience, I don't have many pictures, but we order a movie which the guy was shooting during the trip. I'll try to post it here when I get it. I hope they recorded our fall in the spot called "Green Room" - it had to look great.

Movie is here!

At the end of the raft we had opportunity to jump from the 8m rock!

Great thing to do here - I highly recommend it. The best period to do rafting is between June and July. Then the current is strongest and the water has higher level. You can also visit their website -

1 comment:

grand canyon rafting said...

Such a great information. This is what im looking for. Thanks for posting.

grand canyon rafting