Friday, January 9, 2009

Christmas and New Years Eve in Poland.

Good morning everybody :P and Happy New Year. It's been a long time since I have published something here, but you have to excuse me - I was on a small winter break in Poland and I didn't have much time to do anything with the blog. I, however, had some time to shoot number of pictures with my brand new Canon EOS 450d :D

First of all I had a funny trip to Copenhagen from Reykjavik - there was a band performing on the plane during the flight - Icelanders are crazy :)

My mom and my brother playing with my dog during our stay at my mom's family house in Sudety mountains.

Mi familia.

Everything covered in ice...

My parents 25th year anniversary party for a small group of friends.

Beautiful day for a walk.

New Years Eve trip to Ustrzyki Dolne in Bieszczady Mountains region with a group of my friends.
Seba :P


Śmieżymy :P

-15°C barbecue.

My beer!



True winter sport!

So that's it, of course there were many more thing happening but it'll remain private :D I had a great time in PL and I can't wait to go back. I mean Iceland is beautiful and so on, and I will never forget this country and people, but after this visit I really realized that there is no place like home.
Anyways, I'm back in warm and rainy Iceland (it's 8°C here comparing to Poland's -15...) and now probably, there will be no more updates until February - I have to write the thesis finally :P

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