Some of you asked me to write also in English, so, as I am very lazy person :P, from now on, I'll be posting only in English.
The classes have finally started - 2 hours in the morning, 2 hours after the lunch. First subject is with some American guy, he's kind of old :P, but his classes are also interesting. I don't feel so tired after them, as I usually felt in Poland. We got our first project to do - we have to describe energy situation of one of the countries - it's India for me... Classroom is well equipped in all kinds of stuff, and the chairs are very comfortable, you can only dream of this conditions in Poland. I don't have much time for more details now :P So let's see some pictures.
First the classroom.
Dorms of the University of Akureyri.
This is the cheapest beer we could find :D
And finally - beautiful Northern Lights :)
Первые подводные тоннели
2 months ago
fuck... zajebioza
pisz po duńsku :D:D (tam jest chyba urzędowym językiem)
islandzki to nie to samo co dunski :)
to tak jak bym ci kazal po czesku w polsce pisac
Thank you Leshku for writing in English! the northern lights look absolutely unreal! but unfortunately the beer isn't that great! well, it's only one Belgium out there! and nothing compares to a Brune Leffe, a Chimay or a nice light Hoegaarten! not even mentioning the Duvel...
Actually I can find here more Belgian beer than Icelandic, so it's not a big problem :P But prices are, unfortunately, double the ones in Belgium...
Te tanie piwa włąśnie testowałem :)
A zorzę nad miastem uchwyciłeś piękną
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