I decided to share some links which you may find helpful while you're in Iceland. Enjoy!
http://en.vedur.is - best weather forecast you can get in Iceland. But beware, Icelandic weather is really strange and I would not trust the forecast for more than 2 days up front.
http://www.vegagerdin.is - info about driving conditions and closed roads - very important before planning to go anywhere - some roads may be closed even until the end of June.
http://www.ja.is - phone book, yellow pages and very good map of Iceland - useful for finding restaurants, companies, planning routs, trips etc.
http://www.midi.is - website for concerts, cinema, theater and other events ticket reservation - be quick as sometimes tickets for concerts of international or very popular bands disappear in couple of hours
http://www.akureyri.is/hlidarfjall - info about Akureyri ski slope Hlidarfjall, and here you can see the slope yourself thanks to four web cams.
http://www.straeto.is - useful for those that want to visit Reykjavik, but they don't have a car (or they are too drunk to drive :P) - bus schedule and map of the bus routes. If you want to buy bus pass (ticket for one, two or more weeks) you should look for it at the main bus station (Hlemmur) or at the swimming pools (sic!).
http://www.icelandgourmetguide.com - your gastronomic guide to Iceland :)
http://www.swimminginiceland.com - pictures and description of all of Iceland's swimming pools - very useful site :)
Bonus and Vinbud - two most popular brands of shops in Iceland :)
http://www.icelandreview.com - news about Iceland in English
http://icelandweatherreport.com - very good blog about Iceland - mostly politics and crisis :P
http://www.port.is - list of all cruise ships that will visit Akureyri during the summer
And if you want to escape the island or just go somewhere - http://www.icelandair.com, http://www.icelandexpress.com and http://www.airiceland.is
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2 months ago